Graduate students of all levels benefit from working regularly with the graduate tutors at the Jones White Writing Center. 

Graduate students can schedule an appointment through our scheduling system or schedule a repeating appointment with the same tutor. For scheduling for the full semester, please email us at

Our graduate tutors can help you with any of the following:

  • Adhering to academic conventions and avoiding plagiarism

  • Source formatting (APA, MLA, CBE, etc.)

  • Source synthesis and constructing literature reviews

  • Organizing your writing

  • Developing advanced academic arguments, contributions, and creating space for your work in the field

  • Addressing issues of voice, tone, and style

  • Working with you at any stage of the writing process: brainstorming, drafting, revision, or editing

  • Writing from data or research that you have conducted

  • Helping you navigate and address feedback from faculty or dissertation committees

  • Providing you support with time management, goal setting, and making regular progress on your writing

We recommend repeating appointments for those who want a stronger support network as a writer, to address issues of language and tone, or to make regular progress on advanced writing projects (dissertation, thesis, article, or grant). 

Schedule a Writing Center appointment:

  • In the MyIUP portal, go to Discover. Search for "writing center." On the Academic Support card, click on Writing Center: Schedule a Writing Tutorial.